CompTake, a company established in Taiwan, specialised in cooling and packaging solutions (case for SSD, USB stick, CCD, etc) presents a Heatpipe for the least original...
The CompTake company based in Taiwan shows us his new find, the Chimney. As its name indicates in the language of Shakespeare, it is a system of dissipation of the heat emitted by the processor by chimneys. While aluminum, these few millimetres of round tubes to evacuate about 100 Watts according to manufacturer's tests.
A demonstration was conducted with an Intel Core i7-930, leaving 130 Watts TDP. Coupled to the Chimney and a small fan of 8 cm to the rear of the enclosure to create a flow of air, the processor in the full heating phase was not mounted above the 50 ° C. According to CompTake, the sink is still in development phase and could still improve. We look forward to see it!
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