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New Dawn, the fairy of NVIDIA shows its wings

For those who know, the presentation of Dawn is not necessary, but for the very young, it is a fairy presented by the firm to the Chameleon in 2002 at the release of its new GeForce FX range graphics cards. This time, the fairy is in 1080p, with FXAA and DirectX 11, depth of field and tesselation to the menu and not less than 40 000 hair animated for a 3-d image. Successful?

Ultrabooks in danger?

Apple obtained the validation of a patent protecting the design profile of the MacBook Air which could be evil ultrabooks manufacturers.

After will the war of the patents related to smartphones and touch tablets setting out trial with armies of lawyers to support, the company Apple now tackle the ultrabooks?

Indeed, the mark Apple comes to obtain validation of a patent for the "water drop" design of the MacBook Air, the ultrafine laptop. Thus according to the patent referenced D661, 296 searchable PDF, the form contoured the machine of Apple, with thicker than the much finer front part back with the hinges of the screen, now part of its intellectual property.

design-macbookair      asus-zenbook-ux31a-ultrabook

Is the Zenbook of Asus in danger?

The Cupertino firm has therefore now the means to curb the enthusiasm of some manufacturers to ultrabooks approaching to too much of the design of their creation, thought to Asus with its premium Zenbook, Acer Aspire S7 or HP and its Envy spectrum XT.

Cloud gaming to discover TERA (or vice versa)

Video game players are more and more to try cloud gaming. Last, the EnMasse Entertainment Editor, responsible for the distribution of the MMORPG TERA in North America.

TERA GaikaiLittle by little, the company Gaikai is to carve out a share of choice in videogame content distribution via so-called "cloud" technologies, multiplying partnerships with the leading names of the Edition. Thus, early March, the firm formalized an agreement to broadcast streaming of two MMORPG of Warner, Lords of the Ring Online, and & Dungeons Dragons Online catalogue. Prior to this, several market players had used its services available to the public of the playable demo, Electronic Arts FIFA 12, or CD Projekt for The Witcher 2.

Today, it is with the American publisher EnMasse Entertainment that Gaikai associated itself, to provide a playable demo of TERA, a MMORPG which you can find the test here. In the program, 30 minutes of gameplay, at the controls of a level 20 character, which should allow the curious to notice mouse in hand on this title very-oriented action.

On a technical level, the image appears obviously very compressed, but the sequence in rest no less fun to browse, especially as it will require no download, if this is a small update your Java environment.

As the direct competitor, Onlive, but pioneer in the market, it seems to lose ground. Even though it has just announced a partnership with LG at E3, its services are still available only in the United States and the United Kingdoms, and playable demo system still lacks the appeal.

The GTX 680 Super OverClock Wind Force 5 X of Gigabyte arrives

Gigabyte exposes his huge GTX 680 Super OverClock WindForce 5 X to Computex 2012 and announces his arrival for the month of July in store.

The huge GTX 680 Super OverClock WindForce 5 X of Gigabyte graphics card, that we had the chance to manipulate with the arrival at our premises of the marketing manager in charge of the graphics of the mark is in imminent approach.

Indeed, exposed to the Computex 2012, the Mastodon, which reminds somewhat an aircraft carrier, with its large room steam copper, his nine heat-pipes of 6 mm, its enormous radiator covering all the PCB and its five lateral fans is being finalized in the labs of Gigabyte and should be available current July.

Gigabyte GTX 680 Windforce 5X (6).JPG     Gigabyte GTX 680 Windforce 5X (8).JPG

The constructor guaranteed a very efficient cooling but what about the noise with the use of small type Server (40 mm) rack fans known for their noisy operation at full? According to the manufacturer, the map will use its fans based on the workload that she will conduct so at rest will be all disabled but no specific data has been provided to the level of noise in load when five fans, are an item to verify therefore test!

Gigabyte GTX 680 Windforce 5X (2).JPG     Gigabyte GTX 680 Windforce 5X (4).JPG

Gigabyte has not communicated precisely on the frequencies GPU and memory which will be proposed (talking 1137/1202 Mhz for the GPU and 1600 Mhz for the 2 GB of GDDR5) for a performance gain estimated at less than 10% from the GTX 680 of reference.

The map will occupy 3 PCI-Express slots in the case and will require two 8-pin PCI-e connectors to work. The price was not disclosed but can be expected at a relatively high rate.

Free Mobile: two unions are still critical coverage

The Council of State will have to deal with the complaint of the two unions CFE - CGC and Unsa.

Free Mobile SIM.PNGTelecoms CFE - CGC unions and the Unsa come to enter the Council of State to rule definitively on the issue of actual coverage of the Free Mobile network. They had already applied to the telecoms regulator that was oriented to the authority of competition, without success. If the Arcep and the ANFR already validated Free Mobile network coverage which would exceed the 27% of the French population, the two unions strongly criticise the method used, including at the level of the measure of the signal that does not necessarily mean that the network is operational. The two unions declare:

There is therefore to launch an inquiry under article l. 36 - 11 and use a suitable methodology to verify the capacity of the network Free-Mobile to take support calls to its customers and not the mere existence of a signal as it has already been done in previous controls.

For them, this new calculation will help to show that Free Mobile does not respect its commitments and thus the operator can claim roaming on Orange network. The two unions say that Free Mobile can claim this right of roaming since its own network does not cover 25% of the actual population for the voice at any time of the day. The two unions concluded with this sentence: "This is why the unions asked the Council of State of"reject"ARCEP and to oblige it to apply the sanction procedure".

According to Arcep, Free Mobile coverage exceeded the 27% of the French population at the end of February. ANFR (Agency national of frequencies), which challenged these measures at the beginning of March, was also on the ground to conclude that Free Mobile actually covered 30.8% of the population in metropolitan France. However, Orange continues to say that 90% of Free Mobile communications continue to go through its network. The Council of State will have to decide.

Test : Max Payne 3

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Parameter name: request

Râler parce que Max Payne 3 sort avec deux semaines de retard sur PC... L’essayer et remercier Rockstar pour sa mansuétude #retournementdeveste #viesocialemiseensuspens

Max Payne 3Max Payne 3

Pour :
Un sans faute technique
Bonne durée de vie
Des gunfights de folie
La bande son qui claque

Contre :
Stop aux effets visuels psychédéliques
Ca parle un peu trop, tout ça

Il est des titres qui, quand vient le moment fatidique de mettre une note dans le petit encadré prévu à cet effet, nous font nous poser tout un tas de questions existentielles : n'a-t-on pas été trop clément ? Tout de même, visuellement, c'est assez pauvre. Malgré tout, c'est vrai qu'il n'est pas cher... Et puis il y a Max Payne 3. Pour vous donner un ordre d'idée de l'impact de ce jeu depuis qu'il est arrivé à la rédaction, voici juste quelques chiffres : la production d'articles a baissé de 27%, alors que paradoxalement, le nombre d'heures supplémentaires a été multiplié par 4 ! Quant à notre chef de rédaction, on ose à peine vous avouer que depuis deux jours, il entre dans les pièces au ralenti en faisant semblant de tuer tout le monde avec son jambon beurre.

Max Payne 3 01 Max Payne 3 04 Max Payne 3 08 Max Payne 3 07

Oui, aucun doute : ce troisième opus des aventures de Max Payne rend désespérément accro, voire un peu fou si l'on a l'esprit influençable. Quant à savoir d'où lui vient cet indéniable potentiel de séduction, là encore, il n'y a pas photo : on le doit tout simplement au talent des équipes de Rockstar, qui ont su s'approprier le concept du jeu original, en lui apportant un rythme narratif, et une plastique en rapport avec son époque, sans pour autant le dénaturer.

Concrètement, ça veut dire quoi ? Ça signifie avant tout que l'on va retrouver dans ce nouvel épisode tous les ingrédients qui ont fait les beaux jours des deux aventures précédentes : une histoire linéaire, parsemée de gunfights nerveux et enlevés, le tout étant littéralement porté par le fameux système Bullet Time, une fonction qui va permettre à l'ami Max de ralentir considérablement l'action, de manière à ce qu'il puisse ajuster au mieux les dizaines d'adversaires qui ne manqueront pas de lui tomber dessus. Un système dont on constate qu'il n'a pas pris la moindre ride depuis sa création il y a 10 ans, et qui offre toujours des sensations incomparables : en un saut souple et puissant, notre héros peut ainsi se jeter dans une pièce, dégommer les trois malfrats qui se trouvaient derrière le bar, se retourner, et abattre les deux gorilles qui gardaient la porte. Et plus c'est fantasque, plus ça marche ! Comme cette scène proprement géniale où, plus mort que vif, nous nous sommes élancés du haut d'une passerelle, pour enchainer les head shot victorieux, avant de finir notre vol plané sur le toit d'une voiture, vivant, et débarrassé de tous les gêneurs. Une chance que nous n'avons malheureusement pas toujours eue, la difficulté générale étant tout de même assez relevée.

Max Payne 3 06 Max Payne 3 09

Max Payne 3 10 Max Payne 3 03 Max Payne 3 02 Max Payne 3 05

A noter que si Max pourra bien sûr déclencher son pouvoir à tout moment, ou presque (chaque tir gagnant vient gonfler une barre de temps, qui se vide peu à peu lorsque l'on passe en mode Bullet Time), le développeur a aussi pris soin d'intégrer cet artifice à sa narration, histoire de la dynamiser un peu. Une narration qui s'avère au demeurant bien maitrisée, même si on aurait aimé qu'il soit fait des filtres de couleur et autres effets psychédéliques un usage un peu plus mesuré. Certes, on imagine très bien que Rockstar a voulu par ce biais marquer le côté alcoolo du héros, mais les distorsions visuelles sont parfois si redondantes, qu'elles donnent mal au crâne. De même, la longueur des cinématiques, et l'obligation de devoir les écouter pourront en saouler quelques-uns.

Heureusement, à côté de ces menus défauts, le jeu dispose d'une réalisation que l'on se contentera de qualifier ainsi : « Wouaaah ! Sa mère la classe !!! ». En même temps, il faut reconnaitre que ce point en particulier nous faisait un peu peur, compte tenu des spécifications annoncées par le développeur pour profiter du jeu au maximum de ses possibilités : 35 Go d'espace disque, 16 Go de RAM, carte Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 2 Go... Bon pour nous encore, ça va : on a une caverne remplie de ce genre de matos. Mais pour le joueur lambda qui n'aurait pas gagné au loto dernièrement, ça s'annonçait tendu.

Max Payne 3 14 Max Payne 3 11 Max Payne 3 13 Max Payne 3 12

Finalement, il n'en est rien, puisque le jeu tourne de manière très fluide sur une machine relativement modeste, tout en restant agréable visuellement, comme en témoignent les chiffres et les captures ci-dessous. La surprise est d'autant plus appréciable que les décors sont riches, et les effets physiques nombreux. Il n'y aura guère que l'activation des fonctionnalités spécifiques à DirectX 11 qui nécessitera un matériel un poil plus performant. Notamment, pour bénéficier de la totalité des effets disponibles dans ce dernier cas, il faudra une mémoire embarquée supérieure à 1 Go.

Bench Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3 Low 01 Max Payne 3 High

De gauche à droite : réglages au minimum sous DX10, maximum sous DX11

Une autre bonne surprise tient à la durée de vie. Alors que le second opus se contentait d’une huitaine d’heures, la version de Rockstar affiche entre 12 et 15 heures pour terminer l’histoire solo, sans compter le mode arcade, qui proposera au joueur de refaire les différents chapitres en tentant de marquer un maximum de points. Quant au mode multijoueur, il offrira évidemment des affrontements en deathmatch, mais cela ne devrait pas être cette partie qui intéressera le plus les amateurs, notamment en raison des points de respawn, assez mal gaulés. Par contre, cet exercice qui consistera à opposer deux joueurs, dans les rôles de Max et Passos (son acolyte dans la campagne solo), contre la totalité des autres participants offre son pesant de sensations, croyez-nous ! Enfin, et si l'on devait conclure ce test sur un point, ce serait probablement sur la bande son, excellentissime, mélange étrange de rap sud-américain, de musique classique et d'airs qu'on croirait tout droit sorti de la série Miami Vice. D'ailleurs, on ne résiste pas à l'envie de vous laisser avec notre morceau préféré. Enjoy !

J & W M001: and a PC fanless more!

Minicomputers and also fanless solutions different they are, undoubtedly this year...

The evolution of less consumer energy technologies and thus dispelling less heat helps builders compete ingenuity to miniaturize computers. Want to make a more compact machine is not new in itself. Since the start of the computer age, this is what manufacturers are attempting to make to the sons of the years. However, we can note that recent months have been rich presentation of this type of computers compact, no bigger than a credit card, the graphics fanless more powerful or boxes designed to cool in a passive manner, which are therefore more and more on the market.

Format nano-ITX (135 x 128 x 45 mm), grosso-modo the size of your hand, J & W launches a new computer called the M001 which remains very well equipped despite its small size. He reminded also the NUC Intel presented to us last May.

According to the adaptations, the CPU may be a D2550 Atom or a 2800. It can accommodate a bar of DDR3 SO-DIMM format and a 2.5 inch (SATA 3 GB/s) disk.

jw-m001_1             jw-m001_2

Input/output level, there a card reader, HDMI of VGA, a RS232, three USB 2.0 port, a Gigabit Ethernet connector and WiFi 802.11 a/b/g and n ready to use with the plug for the antenna on the side.

The model first prize system to €120, and will carry a D2550 Atom and 2 GB memory. Another version will be available with a 2800 and a SSD of 32Go. A complete PC with characteristics similar to a netbook for a price of €120 for a silence, this seems reasonable?

How to install Diablo 3 on Linux

Who said that the Penguin was sealed to video games? Developers show the contrary with an installer that facilitates the lives of players under Linux. There is more than to follow the step to step.


Debatable or not, Blizzard is not its games under Linux. Perhaps you would have you buy the largest hack'n slash of all time if you could play. The phrase has no meaning? But this is what's going through the head of some Wheeler. The debate is not, let's see how to install the game on this non-native environment!

Before you begin, it is important to note that some libraries are missing on Linux 64 bit, only 32 bit systems may run Diablo III by this method. Also note that the installation was conducted under Ubuntu 12.04 PlayOnLinux software. This allows, according to the definition of the developers, to install and easily use of many games and software provided to run exclusively on Windows normally.

PlayOnLinux is responsible to install Wine and everything what will be useful for your Windows applications quickly and easily. Once installed, you can access a list of games or software according to its category. When you select one, PlayOnLinux loads an automatic script and proposed to start the installation for you.

The installable games available, include in some: League of Legends, Warcraft III, Adibou 2, SimCity 2000, Mass Effect 2, Portal 2 and many others... PlayOnLinux focuses primarily on the videogame universe but does not exclude applications Office, graphics, utilities and other joys usually reserved for the Windosiens. It's always good to take.

The screenshots below have been directed by softpedia, original author of this tutorial.

Install the latest version of PlayOnLinux. To do this, it is sufficient to consult the site download page and choose the correct version according to your Linux distribution.

If you have the DVD version, will have to mount the device manually with the unhide option (also shows hidden files and the extension files):

Mount SW rw, unhide, uid = 0 gid = 0, umask = 0, users/dev/mondisque/mnt/cdrom

Otherwise, you can download the installer from your account. Then simply right click the executable and select "open with Wine".


Now start PlayOnLinux and type "diablo" in the search bar. It remains only to follow the guide as on Windows. Who said "Next, Next, Next, Ok"?


Choose the installation method: files or DVD


The launcher is running

The actual installation begins


If ever a 3007 error appeared, please type the following command:

echo 0|sudo tee/proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope

The installation will not work necessarily as expected in all users. In the game or launch problems may be encountered. Already on Windows it doesn't work every time... Let's not be too critical towards this beautiful initiative and appreciate rather the work conducted by the community. Good game!

> More information on the French page of playonlinux

Legal MegaUpload files can be recovered...

... under condition that the judge is in agreement and that the files in question are not subject to the rights of intellectual property according to the criteria of the MPAA.

Megaupload 1On 19 January, the FBI closes the image hosting MegaUpload servers. Thousands of users found themselves taken hostage by the American authorities as being more able to retrieve their files deposited in the claimant.

Since a few months, the complaints of users increases, the other the technical provider that holds MegaUpload servers found with petabytes of data without being able to remove them because they are still under seal by the American authorities with a daily cost of $ 9,000 dependants for the moment.

But coup de theatre, the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) which is part of the complainants in the trial of MegaUpload decides to respond to users adversely affected in the case. A simple letter But it is not, because the MPAA wants to release the lawful user files "If the Court allows such a measure, precautions must be taken to ensure that no copy of content copyrighted on MegaUpload servers be made available to the all."

Need then to develop a fine comb to move to screen all the files stored to free one by one each file considered lawful by the MPAA and and return them to the bucket account. Something that millions of users will appreciate, although you will have to wait long before the situation becomes really unchoked.

The micro ATX under FM2 signed ASRock

While the new "Trinity" of AMD APU is not yet out, ASRock unveils two socket FM2 models.

With the next "Trinity" of AMD APU to come out shortly, ASrock prepares and shows two new motherboards with an FM2 socket on board. Micro ATX format both, we have therefore the FM2A75 Pro4-M and FM2A75M-DGS.

The first do a little more components that the second with for example six floors of the APU feed covered a heatsink to cool and must be powered by an additional 8 - pin connector. To the side of the APU, the FM2A75 Pro4-M has four banks in DDR3 memory in DIMM format for a total of 32 GB of RAM up to a frequency of 2400 MHz mode OC. Directly wired to the installed APU, there are also two ports PCI-e 2.0 x 16 which the second is wired electrically in x 4 which is however connected to the South Bridge also another PCI-e x 1 port and a conventional PCI port. In terms of connectors, this map is not at rest and offers five SATA III ports, an eSATA III, four ports USB 3.0, ten USB 2.0 ports, port multiple video outputs as the HDMI, the DVI and VGA, but also output its eight channels that support the THX TruStudio Pro and finally, a Gigabit Ethernet port.

ASROCK_FM2A75M-DGS_001           ASROCK_FM2A75_Pro4-M-001

Photo credit: TechPowerUp

I turn to the second motherboard by ASRock, FM2A75M-DGS that is a little less well provided, but allows the firm to indicate that the card will be much more competitive than those of its competitors at a lower price while providing a little more. Look more closely what ASRock pasted on the PCB of this motherboard. With four floors of simple food and a 4-pin power connector, this map is not made for of it, we were warned. APU will draw in two banks memory DDR3 DIMM format which support similarly 2400 MHz. Below, we have a port PCI-Express 2.0 x 16 wired to the APU, another port PCI-e x 1 and a conventional PCI port connected to the South Bridge A75. ASRock removes the version pro eSATA port and replaces it with SATA III ports for a total of six ports for storage. For connectors, although four ports USB 3.0 with two on the Panel back we are accompanied by a Dual-Link DVI port and a VGA port and output its six channels, a RJ45 Gigabit port, a printer - remember... - LPT port, and port COM RS232.

These two boards will surely be part of the first to be sold in the official of the Trinity of AMD APU release, but we were not aware of the price that will apply to these two models.

Mount a PC fanless with Akasa

This is a small case is happening fan.

It is at the Computex that Akasa manufacturer unveiled a passive housing. Named Euler, in mini-ITX format, it in fact has a mainly consisting aluminum block that is adossera on the CPU. The hull, it also in aluminium, therefore serves as a giant heatsink. Inevitably, it will not abuse the thermal capacity of the beast. We do not yet have precise information on the maximum TDP that will bear the Akasa. More may install a disk 2.5 inch and a drive optical slim. Measuring 228 x 187 x 61.5 mm, the Akasa Euler AX-ITX05 will be available later this year at a yet unknown price.

For lovers of fanless, remember still that the Zalmann package unfortunately always found no successor. Released in 2004, this package could allow a motherboard in the ATX, a processor classic with a TDP that can mount up to 150 Watts, a GPU from 75 Watts and a chipset with a TDP of 20 Watts, all cooled passively entirely without any fan.


A brush for cooling the CPU

Warm Tek offers an exotic cooling for CPU, between a brush Strip and a bouquet of fiber...

warm-tek-Blonde-Hedgehog-C120-004How better to cool their processor with air? Apart from the conventional heatpipe with heat pipes copper for some covered with nickel leading the heat to many fins often aluminium, there is not much other to do. That often the vanes are used support for affix a fan or even two in some cases to evacuate heat which is housed between the vanes of the heatpipe.

The solution of Warm Tek is different. The image of a beautiful brush Strip as some say, the heatpipe is in the form of a bouquet of small copper rods that are connected together at the base to form a copper plate to capture the heat from the processor. All small ultra slim model named Baby Hedgehog for processors to the appetite of bird, to the largest with the Blonde Hedgehog C120name, the manufacturer has also adapted the system for fixing the fan on top to push the warm air down.

warm-tek-Baby-Hedgehog-001   warm-tek-Blonde-Hedgehog-C120-001   warm-tek-Blonde-Hedgehog-C120-002   warm-tek-Blonde-Hedgehog-C120-003

The small template dimensions are 9 cm for 3 cm high without ventilation, the large model is 14 cm for 9 cm in height with a fan of 12 cm in diameter, a sort of inverted Bowl set on copper rod. It was not question of prices for the moment, surely waiting to see the reaction of the public to this exotic type of heatpipe.

Mario with a portal gun, it gives what?

When a plumber meets a gun to spatio-temporal faults, that's wrong!


Is not yet Friday but it is already anticipated activities that can engage...

We present to you the mari0game, a great mix of the famous Portal and of Super Mario Bross. It is in this crazy idea that mario has now a portal gun. The concept for the least original, Kouchner's a us. Note that the game in question does step out but we did we had never spoken. Its development is constant, it is never too late.

Mari0 which has the merit of being open source, cross-platform (Windows, Linux and OS X) but also free of charge, including the infatuation is such that it has led to more than 1 million downloads, angry birds have only good to keep! Its success is phenomenal, to the point that many players and developers contribute to the progress of the game. Map pack, mods, texture pack and features all kinds... mari0 is extremely complete.

The gameplay, very faithful to mario first name that will delight many fans. The portal gun, essential element of this version, can experience some difficulty or reluctance to use it at the beginning. Quickly, we realize that this Nintendo-Valve marriage produced a game in which the possibilities are quasi-infinis. Through some levels, some passages are very fun to play again. Corners in which you would have never imagined access, are now. In short, it is to test.

The excellent news is that an online multiplayer mode, is under development. Two characters in the field, such as Portal 2, adventure could book of beautiful surprises.

3 additional games for the Humble Indie Bundle pack

The fifth operation Humble Indie Bundle sounds, 5 games tell you? No, there are 8!


We had not passed the information early in the week, the famous Humble Indie Bundle is on the front of the stage. This fifth edition of the pack which began on 31 May and which will end on Thursday 14 June broke all records. 24 hours after its release, $ 2 million will be collected. The purpose of the operation is to promote independent games, without DRM, multiplatform and free price. It is indeed for the user to choose how he will pay for this pack. The collected money is then shared to developers, to charities and Humble Tip, the initiator of the project.

Back in the title and three new games in the Humble Bundle. Include Amnesia: The Dark Descent, LIMBO, Psychonauts, Sword & Sworcery EP which are now added (if you pay above average) Bastion, then three new: Lone Survivor, Braid and Super Meat Boy, for a total of 8 quality games.

If you have already purchased the pack, you can download these last three games via the URL provided in your receipt. Currently, it is the famous Notch programmer who has been of the most generous in offering $ 9 999, 99.

Orange with Intel Inside: we tried it!

Night Intel Geek So In # 6, we were able to get their hands on the new mobile Intel Inside to you our first impressions.

orange-san-diego-medfield-02It is a secret and it is even possible to get their hands on some tests of this new smart phone under Intel Medfield. It does not seem necessary to remind que he works not under ARM and x 86 instructions. Quite often in the sector, often said that Intel would not be able to produce processors also performing that those into an ARM architecture equivalent consumption while giving as much computing power. Giant Santa Clara showed no, and that is quite capable in this new mobile created jointly with Orange.

Before addressing our ownership, a little detail its sheet. Sometimes known as the Orange Santa Clara and then under the trade name Orange San Diego that is also clearly marked on the French store of the operator, Intel want to resume this name indicating that is simply called "Orange with Intel inside". Step from the simplest to retain customers, but the two partners did not wish to take the coverage on one or the other to take credit for this new mobile.

Then, this fact sheet said that in addition to run on Intel, the processor used is an Intel Atom Z2460 mono core running at 1.6 GHz supported by 1 GB of RAM. The graphic part is more classic and known enthusiasts because it is another that chip PowerVR SGX540 who team also the Samsung Galaxy S and Nexus. The display is provided by a screen of 4.03 inches without more precision on the technology used with a definition of 600 x 1024 pixels. Top of the screen hides a camera of 1.3 million pixels and a second rear protected by a prominent cache for 8 million pixels that can capture videos in 1080p, it also supports burst mode and stabilization, but autofocus seems not functional.

Orange_Intel_Medfield_Santa_Clara_005 Orange_Intel_Medfield_Santa_Clara_008

Orange_Intel_Medfield_Santa_Clara_007 Orange_Intel_Medfield_Santa_Clara_006

The chassis is 12.3 x 6.3 cm for 9.9 mm thick with a weight on the balance of 117 g, without forgetting the NFC chip which Orange wished to add his personal touch developing a home application to play with. The operating system which anime is an Android in its 2.3.7, version but Intel indicated that a portage to Ice Cream Sandwich was in progress with an update for the weeks that follow, juror promised. But this update is slow to arrive as blue developers preferred to wait that Google fixes the bugs in this new version to stable on x 86 in good condition so that the customer experience is the most perfect possible, us was reassured.

First of all, the first taken in hand, this smartphone gives a nice impression of lightness, finesse is for something and the first impression seems good. The lighting of the screen button is a little steep, it will be surely difficult in certain conditions to turn it on in a bus in full motion for example. The screen displays of beautiful colours and the videos are fluid in 720 p.

Orange_Intel_Medfield_Santa_Clara_004  Orange_Intel_Medfield_Santa_Clara_001  Orange_Intel_Medfield_Santa_Clara_009  Orange_Intel_Medfield_Santa_Clara_003

After 15 minutes of viewing, opening web pages filled with flash animation and other CPU-consuming activities, mobile heats up a little on the bottom, but this is correct and there is not place to ask if it will end up with a torch in the hands. No, the Intel processor appears well energy avoiding him dispel all efficient as much heat. If it is efficient, it appears also reactive in this version of Android. Web pages open quickly, the loading of Flash ads is also fast and reading them is immediate. We still only a problem of lag on the zoom of the pages, but we think it's more likely a problem of optimization of the browser of Android to the processor itself.

We have noticed - how to pass side? -, that the Android interface was completely altered to be the colours of the operator and many of its houses applications are present such as VOD, or even the system especially developed for the NFC to be used later, we were told.

In summary, this mobile is promising and Intel could very well return through the large door on the market of smartphones and tablets with a processor to the appetite of bird, but growing fast enough still bytes to provide a reactive product. We now look to have longer on hand to measure the complete autonomy of the smartphone but also to measure the user experience on the day the day with this type of processor in a mobile.