The largest flexible OLED screen

The Flexible Display Center located on the campus of the University of Arizona, announces the manufacture of the wider screen OLED flexible...


CDF research centre, encouraged by the US Defence Department, has developed a sufficiently functional, great, fine, little gourmet 7.4 inch screen in power with an important definition without more precision on the part of the centre. "It is an important step in the manufacture of flexible screens", said Nick Colaneri, Director of the FDC that think that this technology could soon be industrialized.

The OLED screen which is still only a prototype consists of a set of TFT transistors. These Thin-film transistor that could result in "thin film transistor" are highly exploited in the digital screens and in the field of flexible electronics. These types of transistors are not especially expensive and complex to produce. In addition, their physical and chemical characteristics provide a certain miniaturisation while maintaining reasonable electrical performance.

Says the Director of the CDF, their goal is to achieve a sufficiently finished to be produced. These flexible screens could be completely manufactured on existing Silicon assembly lines that already produce screens TFT, thus reducing costs and the necessary equipment. Foldable smartphones, e-journal, pocket... TV is closer to finally.


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