Test Resistance 3 - PS3

If first Resistance name became known, it is above all to its output coordinated with the launch of the PlayStation 3. However, the market of the FPS of the past four years proved very flowering, which came on a second opus halftone. However, Insomniac Games is cowardly not with Resistance 3 piece, with aims to propose a few enhancements in terms of screenwriting, but also at the level of gameplay.

This third episode signs before a change of hero. Nathan Hale died of infection chimérienne, it is the turn of another resistance to load to save humanity. Joe Capelli, although prima facie exceeded by critical progression of extraterrestrials on Earth, hard to find a solution to reverse the trend and allow humans last stay in life. You understand it, Resistance 3 brings an aspect of survival much more exaggerated than in the past, which allows better to immerse yourself in the scenario. However, developers are mired in a series of clichés, unwieldy often agreed speech. Everything is not for all black, since some reversals of situation surprised towards the half of the solo frame.

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Although he has a face bruised by the war, Joe Capelli lack its charismatic hero role. Indeed, the latter simply often follow the instructions given by the other resistance throughout the adventure, and this, without batting an eyelid. Some rare scenes offer a hint of humanity, especially upon his arrival in New York, critical basis of chimeras and location of the terraformeurs of the decrease in the temperature of the planet. Insomniac Games to combine the frenetic action in a highly successful and this aspect of survival, while adding a touch of humanity related to the family of Joe.

In sum, our hero to go four cities before reaching New York and try to destroy all of the chimera... only. In outline, the ultra classic and this rest scenario is that the atmosphere of survival to back the general impression. With Resistance 3, you progress often solo or in the company of a fellow countryman, which adorns the impression of domination of the chimera. Despite a false impression of freedom of action in the twenty chapters that represent the solo frame of the game, the path remains excessively linear. You can see any particularly with open areas which are invisible walls that prevent us to traverse paths, or even the closed areas which do not return back (doors that close any only, debris fall once a key point spent, etc.) Some passages also verge on déjà vu, including the scene of the village of night which brings to the city of Volgas of Half-Life 2.

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