Intel presents its new controller X 540 for 10 Gb/s management and support of the fondeur Xeon processors.
Apart from the professional field, the 10 Gb/s interfaces are not widespread. But professional networks use more this type of interface to meet the growing demand for bandwidth with the collaborative work and storage of data on the servers.To meet the demand, Intel announces the launch of its controller that supports 10 Gb/s called X 540. Of course, this chip is fully retro-compatible with previous standards, such as Gigabit Ethernet. But Intel offers more support for new features such as the Advanced I/O virtualization or the iSCSI and even Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE). The skier is the integration of its maximum chip because it can take advantage of the Direct I/O mode that connects the card to the PCI-Express bus 3.0 to the cache of the processor directly, thus speeding up the treatment of packets are transferred without the need to make of mirroring in RAM.
This chip can be found a place on a PCI-Express 3.0 x 8 card for example or even on a motherboard for server. For the moment, he is did not mention of the price, but the precise skier that its offer will be competitive for the rapid adoption of this new standard of the data transport.
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