Boot2Gecko: Mozilla presented at the MWC mobile bone

The Mozilla Foundation will demonstrate its mobile operating system Boot2Gecko in Barcelona at the MWC.


Boot2Gecko, the mobile OS developed by the Mozilla Foundation based entirely on Web (HTML5, CSS, JavaScript…) and the Firefox Gecko rendering engine, technologies will be its first not at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona later this month.

A demonstration will be conducted to allow a glimpse of the possibilities of this new mobile OS (Yes, still!) walking a little on the traces of fire of HP WebOS based on the HTML browser Safari WebKit rendering engine.

Wish him fair of do step know the same disastrous future than its predecessor, yet packed with qualities and good ideas and concepts, has failed to impose himself on a market already monopolized by the two giants as Google's Android and iOS of Apple.

Go Gecko, Go!

boot2gecko-02  boot2gecko-04  boot2gecko-03  boot2gecko-05.jpg


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