Ivy Bridge Intel processors: Although April 8, but...

For the latest news, new processors Intel Ivy Bridge engraved in 22 nanometres, among which five models Core i3, are always expected April 8.

But contrary to what was thought, Santa-Clara firm will not immediately overdrive to impose its new processors. No, the production will be limited at first and will become really mass until the month of June.

Why? From industrial sources which are at the origin of the information, followed by the Internet Digitimes website, this would in fact enable partners to sell their stocks still important processors of the current generation Sandy Bridge in 32 nanometres.

And for manufacturers who have already communicated on their machines Ivy Bridge, to the image of Asus with its U47? According to the same sources, it will not be a concern, because is not on Ivy Bridge that really matters the computer industry, but rather on the next operating system from Microsoft, Windows 8 - slated for the fall of 2012. It is therefore not two or three months delay for Ivy Bridge that will sow panic.



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