Private data retention: Twitter does not play

Twitter takes advantage of the scan of contacts to download and store on its servers of its users address books, without being really clear on the approach.


Twitter is not accustomed to criticism about its management of private data, but the micro-blogging platform is now identified as a bad student. It is the storage on its servers of users of its mobile application alleged contact lists and address books.

First offending, the function "find friends" that allows users to download their address books to perform a search in the Twitter database to easily find their knowledge on the platform.

A crossing of data that the user provides access to Twitter to these lists that the service will retain for a period of 18 months on its servers. It is long and disturbing insofar as this is never explicitly explained by Twitter in the terms of its privacy policy. It is is in fact not indicated that the data will be downloaded and stored.

Twitter will benefit next updates of its application to inform more in details the users at this level, changing the reference "scan your contacts" by "Download contacts". However, nothing was as a possible shortening of the duration of data retention.


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