Windows 8 improves the copy of files

Windows 8, Microsoft is addressing an interesting domain: copying files. Because if well points have changed since Windows 95, the management of the files and copy have not so much evolved. With Windows 8, Microsoft will make a difference.

To begin, a few figures: 50% of the copies take less than 10 seconds, which allows to determine that copies rarely exceed 400 or 500 MB (in for wide). 20% of copies in contrast take more than 2 minutes, is - with a recent computer - at least (for wide also) 5 GB of data. More interesting, about 6% of copies is not complete, either because of a disk error, a connection (network, USB, etc.) lost or simply because the user cancelled.

With Windows 8, will therefore toward better management of the copy, with such a unified window indicating the number of copies, advancement (in %), speed, etc. is more the time remaining is displayed, but the progression, simpler to implement, especially more talking to the user: time is a concept too dependent of the machine and what it does. It is also possible to put a copy in time and view information about the current copy.

More interesting, the management of duplicates appears very effective: currently, when the target folder contains files that have the same name in the source folder, Windows offers to replace, do not copy or rename the file and keep both versions. In Windows 8, Microsoft will offer a simpler and more intuitive system: it is sufficient to check the version to keep, with a prévisualiation system. In addition to deal with file by file, it is much more intuitive and simple for a person who is not used to manage a file system.

Finally, a part of redundant (and never read) message will be deleted: confirmations asking if there is really some want to put a file in the Recycle Bin for the third time should no longer be present.


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