Allostreaming: the war of the filtering is postponed

A procedure that is likely to be long, very long... Allostreaming has time to prepare his defence, as the search engines and operators assigned in chambers.


To one side, the accused, Allostreaming, and three other Web sites belonging to it that offer TV series and movies for free. On the other, the successors of these content which, for strike hard, interim measures have assigned the major search engines (Yahoo, Bing and Google) and the French Internet access providers.

Why? For these sites blocking, if the decision of the judge is given in this sense, is applied and operators monitor them over time so that there is no recurrence.

But a problem of size presents to the charge. Indeed, no French law gives the possibility to judges to request a blocking of web site. Although the code of the specific intellectual property that "all measures to prevent or to stop such infringement of copyright or a neighbouring right, against any person that can contribute to remedy", in other words, the password-pipe must cut valves if a site is used to hack into... remaining example. It would however be a France first, because no judgment or no procedure of this type was conducted to the end.

The first interview between the judge and counsel for all parties implicated on December 15, which had the purpose the different filing, was comic, including the Illiad/Free lawyer indicating that records on CD must be removed from the list of acceptable documents, preferring the paper format. 120 Pages of the assignment, plus hundreds of minutes, the findings of sworn officers and piles of other technical documents represent yet a such mass of information documents are now regularly transmitted by hard disk. To advance, January 6, a first hearing will be organised to address the different incidents of procedure or technical challenges, before returning for a second hearing March 8 which will be this devoted time to the bottom of the folder.


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