Android: new vulnerability discovered

Riley Hassel, researcher in security and founder of the Privateer Labs company, announces discovered a fault critical security in a dozen applications for Android.

It is preparing a Conference, "Android Hacking for Profit", the researcher discovered a vulnerability in a service allowing an application to communicate with other programs running. Would including insertion in these applications a false page requesting a password, leading to a potential information leak. "Developers fail often follow safety guidelines and correctly write applications," says Riley Hassel. If these applications are vulnerable, then an attacker can compromise remote application and the telephone ".

A dozen applications have been identified as being vulnerable to this type of attack. If the expert has identified them, it is is of course kept to unveil the list for security reasons, until a patch is released. He said however thatit is for the most widespread applications, and should therefore take this threat seriously.

In this case are mostly application developers who are involved, but this is not the first time that a critical flaw affects the mobile system of Google. If the editor has often quickly responded, it will have to be increasingly more proactive security, in view of the increasing popularity of Android and its recent acquisition of the mobile division of Motorola.


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