Steve Ballmer discusses the failure of Windows Phone 7


Is Steve Ballmer himself who said: Windows Phone 7, in which Microsoft placed great hopes to stand up to the iPhone and Android, is display the expected numbers.It is at the Worldwide Partner Conference, which began July 10 and will be until 14 July, that Microsoft took the opportunity to take stock of Windows Phone 7, among others, by the voice of Steve Ballmer. " We have progressed very little in... very little ", says the CEO of Microsoft. He explains this failure by many factors, starting with the fact that it is a "very dynamic, very competitive" market. It also indicates that "a year ago, we had no Windows Phone", from the generation trap Windows Mobile, it had already rejected in the past.

It is however not complete system mobile from Microsoft, although instead. "We have already 20,000 applications," says Steve Ballmer, which has insisted on this point to give arguments to the system. It considers that this shows that developers themselves are better accommodated to its system to Android or iOS, and there are more applications. It is therefore not moved to believe in the term, it could surpass its competitors in terms of number of proposed applications. He also cites Gartner and IDC, who believe that "Windows Phone 7 will be the second mobile platform by 2015". There are also work more closely with its partner: Nokia.


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