EBP bundle tax Classic Open Line Millesime 2011: make his tax returns

The EBP bundle tax Classic Open Line Millesime 2011 software gives the opportunity to print and complete your tax returns to the Directorate General of taxes, to declare your footprint in an instant! It can also Télé-déclarer your bundle in EDI - TDFC directly from your software interface. You will need to choose the bundle model adapted to your professional situation: agricultural, BIC, BNC, statement IS, civil real estate companies, etc.

EBP bundle tax Classic Open Line Millesime 2011 program is able to tell you if errors are present in your declaration through small alerts.

EBP Liasse Fiscale Classic Open Line Millesime 2011

EBP tax bundle Classic Open Line Millesime 2011 offers:

Automatic calculation of the bundle according to mode of taxation set (BIC: IR, BIC: IS or BNC) and in function of the tax system (actual simplified real or Normal) update dynamic data changes in a bundle or the balanceVisualisation of the details of the accounts of a WAD Modification and control of the bundle A formula formulas can be either an another slip of a same bundle, or general information record, or a balance N and N - 1 calculation of consistency for detecting omissions or duplications of accounts in the plan of grouping data management repeatable tool for archiving and restoration of records jobs EDI-TDFC via a declarative portal of your choice (1) monitoring of the teletransmission: acceptance, refusal with explanations (via jedeclare.com).


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