EBP pay PRO v16: do employees pay management

EBP Paye PRO v16 boite

The EBP pay PRO v16 program is perfect for quickly editing your employees pay sheets, but will also be able to synthesize the social charges, the rollup of hours, retirement contributions or social security in a few moments. This software is parameterized on the type of business you run, to adapt to your needs.

EBP Paye PRO v16 screen 1EBP Paye PRO v16 screen 2

EBP pay PRO v16 proposes to create a card for each employee, on which you can follow the paid leave and illness judgments.

The EBP pay PRO v16 software is compatible with other accounting software as: EBP, ITOOL=ENTREZSYSTEM2.PENTREZ.PubMed.PUBMED_RESULTSPANEL.PUBMED_RVDOCSUM (Sisco and PGI), CEGID SAGE line 100, KOALA, CCMX (Winner and AS400), sky, QUADRATUS, ISAGRI, azure, CADOR-DORAC, APISOFT, score West, GESTIMUM, INFORCE.

This PRO version offers:

Individual sheet Edition of the single register of staff list of the input/output management of DIF: days acquired, taken, to take, and followed the training taken pay Analytics certificates of wages sickness-maternity-paternity, AT health professional, attestation of employer (the edition of the declarations and certificates requires the installation of Adobe ® Acrobat Reader 9) DUKES paper URSSAF and pole employment approved DUKES URSSAF EDI (1) - Format COPLAT State preparatory DUKES pensions DADS - U fullDADS-U to the provident institutions, mutual and insurance companies in the standard 4DS (from January 2012). Certificate employer dematerialised (early 2012). Payroll data analysis tool: a single or multiple formulas pay management engagement and participation with simulation e


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