SimpleLink connects our daily WiFi devices

Technological advances now allow bind our everyday devices to the Internet via a simple chip to integrate. Unlike its competitors, manufacturer Texas Instruments has developed the smart CC3000 which can be integrated in a few hours by manufacturers across their products.

Commercially called SimpleLink, 802.11 network processor to be fully autonomous, little gourmet (0.5% of the resources of traditional Wi-Fi) and operating with a microcontroller compatible and only 6 KB of memory flash and 3 KB of RAM. Its ease of integration comes also from the fact that no operating system is required: the chip integrates itself layer TCP/IP, the Wi-Fi and free software shipping network security mechanism.

Texas Instruments SimpleLink

In fact, SimpleLink processor allows connect WiFi of many devices, such as household appliances. For example, a washing machine equipped with meeting dysfunction during your absence: an SMS will be sent to warn you of impending failure. One can imagine other such uses in medical devices to notify a physician when abnormal results, or even an umbrella which gives the weather in real time.

The version of the chip CC3000 test are available at a price of $ 199. Remains to be seen if different manufacturers of the market will leave seduce by this low-cost component to add functionality to their equipment.



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