Kobo by Fnac: Finally the commercial success?

The reader digital book Kobo by Fnac met a great success during the year-end holiday period.


Fnac can be successful launch of its new electronic light, Kobo by Fnac (our test here), which would be the second produces the most sold by the sign after the iPad 2.

France the largest bookseller would have even achieved its targets annual sales in only fifteen days and sold in this period more than Kobo that Fnacbook (its previous model of eReader) throughout the year 2011.

No official figure was disclosed by the Fnac but La Tribune estimated sales volume is best 30,000 during the holiday of the year. We will see well if the market of the electronic light and digital publishing is indeed launched in France - less than 1% currently - or if the effect of mode and the media hype which engaged Amazon (Kindle), Virgin (Cybook Odyssey) and Fnac for the holiday season will fall like a soufflé.


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