Material innovative transparent screens

TV transparente

If some manufacturers are beginning to communicate on concepts of transparent televisions, it is clear that their availability on the market is not yet considered. However, advances in technology could accelerate things.

Researchers of the laboratory CRANN of Trinity College Dublin in Ireland come to communicate their latest results based on the research of a new material can be used in flat panel displays such as the LCD or LED, as well as with solar panels.

In order to find the right combination to allow screens total transparency, scientists have changed different oxides to find a better compromise between electrical conduction and transparency for the N and P type materials widely used in the industry.

The resulting material is based on of thechromium oxide, while substituent atoms of chromium by magnesium and nitrogen. This new combination allows both to design transparent to be incorporated into our TV transistors, but to significantly increase the efficiency of solar panelsalso.

For the time being, the patent of this material was filed, but its use on an industrial scale is not yet planned: different protocols of manufacturing are planned at first.


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